Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Thai food recipes - Miang Kum

Miang Kum is an appetizer. Miang Kum is usually served on large plates, with some items, all separately. food is usually enjoyed as a snack, or as a complement to beer. and add a spoonful of sweet sauce and voila! Enjoy.

1 coconut
1/2 cup diced red onion
1/2 cup diced lime (with the rind on)
1/2 cup peanuts
1/2 cup dry shrimp
About 50 leaves of spinach
10 sliced Thai chilies
1/2 cup sliced lemongrass
1/3 cup of shrimp paste
2/3 cup of coconut sugar

Let's start with the coconut.
Break open the coconut, and remove the meat (it's the white part- duh!). Then shred it into small thin pieces. Take the shreds and stir them in a hot pan until golden brown. (On medium heat this should take about 20 or so minutes).

Using a small or medium sized pot, heat the sugar until melted. It should form the consistency of syrup. Then add in the shrimp paste. Be sure to add in the shrimp paste when the sugar syrup is boiling, and that to only cook it for a few minutes or else it will burn.

That's all the cooking. Now here's how to serve it...
Use several small condiment containers or small saucers. Place each individual ingredient into a saucer of its own. Then using a large platter, place the spinach leaves in the middle, and arrange the saucers around the spinach in a manner that suits your individual aesthetic taste.

good luck and enjoy the food. and give you comentar.

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